
Don't miss our VALENTINE'S DAY SALES! 

Feb. 14-Feb. 28th

30% off the TTT 1900

Supply Chain Disclosure

TTT Innovations is required by its distributor to conform with The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act to disclose efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from direct supply chains. We take seriously the federal and international efforts to end all kinds of forced labor-­‐ whether in the form of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, human trafficking or otherwise.


We are committed to fair labor practices within our supply chain. We will therefore engage a process to identify and evaluate the potential risks for human trafficking and slavery in our supply chain. Prior to partnering with any new suppliers, and annually thereafter, we will conduct an initial screening of those suppliers.


Every year we will examine relevant information about each supplier to evaluate risks and vulnerability to slavery or human trafficking in the production of supplier goods.


TTT Innovations requires that direct suppliers certify that materials incorporated into the product comply with the laws regarding slavery and human trafficking of the country or countries in which they are doing business.

Internal Standards

TTTInnovations will maintain internal accountability standards and procedures for employees or contractors failing to meet company standards regarding slavery and trafficking. If a contracted factory is found to violate laws, it is responsible for improving performance. If the factory fails to make progress, they are subject to review and sanctions, including potential termination of any supplier agreements.


Employees and management with direct responsibility for supply chain management will be provided training on forced labor, including human trafficking and slavery.