
Python Industries is the new name for Tom's Tumbler. 

We are the same company now with a full line-up of post-harvest industrial equipment and supplies.

Bladeless Industrial Bud Trimmers & Cannabis Equipment

What the Buck?: Bucking made easy

What the Buck?: Bucking made easy

Posted by Abel Loor on Apr 23rd 2019

As the cannabis industry has expanded, bucking or bud stripping machines have become a very popular tool among growers and processing plants. What is a bucking machine? These machines save time during the cultivation of cannabis by separating the buds from the branches, trunk, and stems of the plant.  You can do this by hand, of course, but a bucker can save larger growers an inordinate amount of time and expense.  As growers process larger and larger volumes, automation of the cultivation of cannabis is critical to staying competitive.

Bucking machines that are available on the market today use various sized holes in a steel plate in which you insert individual branches corresponding to the plant’s respective size. The branches are pulled through the hole leaving the flowers freshly removed from the stem on the other side. While not perfect, the process is being perfected by manufacturers.

Tom has invented a patent-pending machine that will effectively and gently buck an entire plant in seconds. His standalone design for indoor grows will be the perfect addition to any grow operation. Tom is also designing an attachment for tractors for growers looking for field bucking for their outdoor grow. Production models will be released in the coming months. We are excited to be advancing the industry to offer a new tool to stream the cultivation process. Look for this and other new products from Toms Tumbler.